Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter 7

Lady Brett is too promiscuous. She's like a sophisticated prostitute. In this chapter, she visits Jake with the count. As soon as she gets there she dismisses the count so she can have some alone time with Jake. Why can't she just pick one guy? And it is strange how Jake doesn't get mad seeing her with other men. Maybe he doesn't love her as much as he says he does.

They go out and drink later that night. Cohn and Brett dance while the count just gets drunk. Brett all of a sudden feels sick and wants to go home. I can't tell what she is really thinking. It is so strange how her fiance stays behind while Jake takes her home. Michael is really not that protective of her.
When they get to her hotel Brett does not invite Jake up. She kisses him at the door. Why is she so open to cheating on her fiance? It might just be how their culture is and how they view women. They definitely have a different definition of love.

1 comment:

  1. "She's like a sophisticated prostitute."

    she'd have to get paid, wouldn't she?!
