Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter 11

Alcohol is so prevalent in this book. This cultute lives and breathes alcohol. They get on the train, they drink. They meet new people, they drink. They get off the train, they drink. I don't understand how they are still functioning to be completely honest. They learn new ways to drink on the train and so in return, they share their wine. I don't know why alcohol is so accepted in this culture but it seems like everyone in this book is constantly sipping.

When they get back to the hotel they are charged a very high price. The innkeeper is making up excuses but maybe he notices that they are drunk and he might be able to pull a fast one on them.

SYMBOL- alcohol is the symbol for emotion. Whether the character be happy or sad, they always take a drink.

1 comment:

  1. what emotion? it's a symbol for any emotion? that seems like it would be a symbol for nothing at all.
