Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chapter 2

"I can't stand to think that my life is going so fast that I'm not really living it"-Cohn
"Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except for bull-fighters"-Jake
I didn't really understand this quote. I think Jake is telling Cohn that he must just accept his flaws and come to terms with the fact that his life will not always be perfect.

Last chapter Cohn's luck seemed pretty poor. This chapter it immediately starts out good. He has some great success with his new book. And women are nice to him ;) Cohn is overcome with the desperation to live his life to the fullest. His heart is set on going to South Africa and getting the heck out of Paris. Jake is not up to it and tries to convince Cohn that his life can be fulfilled elsewhere. Cohn wants to feel content with his life but doesn't really have a clue how to do it. Jake is good at identifying Cohn's problems but doesn't know how to solve them.

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