Friday, August 13, 2010

Chapter 19

Jake leaves and goes for a trip in San Sebastian. He soon recieves telegrams from Brett saying that she is "in trouble". ....give me a break.

Jake gets there and talks to Brett about her boy(s) troubles. She has trouble sending away Romero but finally she does. She also says how she wants to go back to Mike (goodluck.) Brett and Jake continue to have a great rest of the evening together. They get drunk and talk about how wonderful their lives could be together. "Oh Jake...we could have a damn good time together." I think they should just give it up and be together. Why does Brett have to make things so difficult. She needs to just pick one guy. It seems that if Jake was making any process in accepting that they were just friends, it has all been shattered. She continues to get his hopes up. I truly think that she uses him when she has nobody else.

1 comment:

  1. She really wants to be with Jake, but he is gay. I think this shows us that Hemingway had issues with his sexuality too. What a messed up guy...
