Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Barttleby the Scrivener

This story is told completely by the point of view of the narrator. This limits the readers' knowledge because we don't know what any of the other characters are thinking or why they do what they do. My favorite part of this story was the names. Turkey, Nippers, and Ginger nut. Adorable. I really wish that I could find out what Barttleby is thinking throughout this entire story. I want to know why he was so happy doing his job and then one day just "preferred not to". The narrator attempts to send him away and fire him but Barttleby never leaves. Why does he not leave? Why does he not eat? We will never know because of the point of view of the story. I don't understand why the narrator identifies and relates with Barttleby so much. He gives him money and visits him in prison. Also, he pays the cook to feed him. The narrator is selfless in trying to help Barttleby but in the end, he killed himself.

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