Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chapter 18- Good Form

He's attempting to explain his writing style. He comes back to the man that he "killed". I'm so confused about this man. Did he kill him or not? A couple chapters ago he was raving about the immense guilt he felt. Now he says "I watched a man die on a trail near the village of My Khe. I did not kill him." (pg 171) SINCE WHEN DID YOU NOT KILL HIM? You literally had a chapter called 'The Man I Killed'. Obviously he can't make up his mind. He threw a grenade at him there is no getting around the fact that he killed this man. When his daughter asks him if he has ever killed anybody, he tells her "of course not". Is this the truth or does he just want it to be the truth?

1 comment:

  1. have you gotten to the chapter where he explains "story truth" vs. "happening truth"?
