Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Felt a Funeral in My Brain

This poem has a lot of imagery, especially sounds. She says that she is "but an Ear". It is unclear to what this poem is about but I have my own theory. I think it is dealing with a person suffering with drug adiction. She is stuck in her head and everyone else is functioning around her. It is clear that she is not dead, though. At the end, she seems to die when she stops mid thought. In my mind, she dies from a drug overdose at the end. Thank goodness that falls into the cone of meaning, or at least I think it does. The tone of this poem is set right off the bat with the Title. "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain". This sounds like a scary movie to me. Then it goes on to talk about mourners and that sense was breaking through. The tone of death gets the speakers point accross of some type of inner struggle. I can't help but to think it is Emily Dickinson speaking out about her depression. It is hard to think about it as from the point of a different speaker when I know how weird she is. It also was contradictory when it started to talk about Heaven's bells when the whole poem seems like it is about hell.

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